Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In need of community

Me and the wife were in bed last night just talking. Somehow we got on the subject of what seems to be missing at church. We have both for sometime felt that the church "services" we attend just seems to be void. I think for the first time, we both embraced the idea of what was missing is community. We thought about the fact that our whole theology revolves around what happens on Sunday morning. It just seems from 9:00 am to 10:00 a.m., we have decided that this is priority number one. Churches seem to embrace leadership training behind this Sunday morning theology. We train young men and women how to do public prayer, how to lead singing, how to pass communion, everything that can be trained concerning the worship "service". Are we missing something? Is there more to following Jesus then this one hour a week. I certainly hope there is. I am desperately on a search for the body of Christ outside of Sunday morning. I don't want to invite friends to a church service, I'd much rather invite someone to a community that embraces the embodiment of the Gospel no matter the day or situation. I no longer am satisfied with the "hour" status quoe, I want the life in full. I no longer want to take communion in isolation, I would like to celebrate the life of Jesus through community. I don't want to be trained or to train others on Sunday theology, I want to embrace life with a new theology, the everyday theology. Me and my wife are ready for something new. We are looking for what is next, we are searching for God in an everyday context. We are in a great need of community!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The other guy is not "evil"

I realize with the rising tensions in our political environment, especially considering the fact that we are nearing election day, that those that endorse a candidate are certainly passionate about their positions. I think I can understand the passions about supporting a canidate that best represnts a person's idealogy and politics. However, I wonder if it is neccessary to attempt to justify one's endorsement by convincing ourselves that the other canidate is evil. I have found that there are some out there that have given their endorsement to their canidate. Because of their endorsement, it seems they go on a campaign to convince others or maybe even themselves that the other canidate is a horrible human being. My challenge to all my friends is to not give way to this "either/or" philosophy. I understand supporting a party or canidate, but in doing so, lets not convince ourselves that the other party or canidate is evil. Instead, I believe it is okay to fully suport the canidate in which you want to represent your positions while at the same time not reducing the other canidate as an enemy. Those of us that follow Christ, this becomes even more important to realize. We are called to not dehumanize others, but to serve in love and in submission. Let us reflect the way of Jesus in our political dialogue.