Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year and New Hope

With the new year arriving very shortly I would like just to reflect on some things I have learned in 2008.:
  1. Growth is scary and exciting all at the same time.
  2. God is manifesting Himself in places I would have never expected.
  3. Stability is rare and appreciated
  4. God is manifesting Himself through people I would have never expected
  5. I am very grateful for my wife Meghan and my son Jacob. We have been through a lot as a young family, but I would not trade it for the world.
  6. Politics can be divisive, and this reflects in the church as well.
  7. Poverty, "consistent ethic of life", and stewardship of God's earth are "moral" issues.

This list is not exhaustive, but they do highlight areas in growth and knowledge within my life in 2008, with that in mind, here are my goals for the upcoming year.

  1. To be a better husband and father.
  2. To reduce, reuse, and recycle more.
  3. To allow Love to become my orthopraxy.
  4. To direct more of my tithing to fight poverty
  5. To be a better co-worker
  6. To find myself in God's church
  7. To be become more physically aware. (I need to loose some weight!)

Again, this is not exhaustive! I am positive there is more in which I can better myself. I just might have to pull the grace card out. The reality is I have to rely on the power of God for me to become the person I truly need to be. However these are some practical areas I wish to work on in my life.



1 comment:

osojo said...

My brother in Christ. You are spot on.
As we continue in our daily lives, may we not forget to keep in touch as we are all a part of the body of Christ.