For those that follow my blog, you know that I have began to do a series of posts under the theme of, "Finding God in Unusual Places". The whole premise of this series is that I believe that God can show up in places other then our preconceived areas that we may expect God to show up. Previously I wrote about a Nickleback song that I felt that God had showed up. This month I want to present the possibility that God shows up often in a increasingly popular T.V. show; "Bones", which airs on the Fox network.
First, I admit that I haven't watched this show until this past Christmas, where my in-laws introduced me to this show. I was instantly addicted. "Bones' is very similar to a C.S.I . type-of show. I believe what separates this show however, is the fact that the character development is top notch. You have two main characters named Brennan and Booth. Brennan is a anthropologist, and Booth is a F.B.I. agent. These two team up in murder cases that involve unusual bone remains from the murder victim.
The F.B.I. agent, Booth, is a traditional Catholic that holds on to a faith that puts his sometimes unexplainable world into context. Brennan (the anthropologist) is a character that believes that everything can be explained by the facts. She uses science and anthropological reasoning to explain her world. (This would be a good time to add that science in itself is not inherently evil. I think its important to remember this, because too often, Christianity has made the scientific community the enemy.)
With a very noticeable on screen chemistry between the two characters, there is a lot of opportunity of very rich conversation between the two characters concerning heavy matters. Topics such as the God question, morals, faith, and the supernatural are discussed often. As interesting as these discussions prove to be, (These conversations tend to be witty and cleverly written.) the real God moment that comes to mind is the relationship between Booth and Brennan.
Time after time you witness these two disagree on really important and heavy items, but at the end of the day the relationship is more important. The show provides a context in which such matters should be discussed, that is a relationship. This show reminds us that no matter the points of disagreement on heavy issues, relationships are far more important. This is a powerful display on what our conversations and even disagreements should look like.
When I see this I cannot help but think of "evangelism methods" that seem to be popular. I have seen groups hand out tracks, scream from soap boxes on city streets, cram scripture upon those that choose not to listen. The problem isn't the zeal of these groups. The problem is that this method is outside any meaningful relationships. As a result, it comes across very much like propaganda or commercialism. We need a new path of sharing God, but I believe that path is a difficult one. It involves intimacy and love. It involves a relationship, and often times this can be very messy.
Booth and Brennan on the show "Bones' very much exemplify what this relationship can look like. We will disagree, we will be hurt at times, it will be difficult! But at the end of the day, can we say that the relationship is more important? That's a question we must consider! I encourage you to watch "bones" and as these lively discussions occur, think of this relational context and how we may be able to do this in our lives.
1 comment:
Nice Blog dear!! thanks for sharing information about bones show.Fox TV launched Bones, a forensics/police procedural inspired by Reichs's life.storyline of this show is interesting.that was such a great way to watch bones show episodes.
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