Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Celebrating MLK Day, a little early anyway!

Sometimes I wish I could go back to high school. (I confess that it is a rare moment when it happens.) I now realize that I missed many great opportunities to learn about the man that had a great prophetic voice in Martin Luther King Jr. I would have certainly taken the time to actually participate in my "reading assignments" if I had a chance.

Because of this, I am left with no choice but to take the time to truly appreciate the life and the embodied message of MLK. In a world where justice, peace, equality and non violent solutions are becoming more and more necessary, we as a community need to allow this man to be heard. I encourage you to watch and listen with me

Here is the speech that is most famous from MLK, titled, "I have a dream"

For my facebook friends, you can find the video here.

Here is U2's song "pride" teaming up with the history channel for a tribute video to MLK, we can find hope in a similar voice for justice that Bono and company carries to the world.

Facebook friends can find it here.

Finally, here is my favorite tribute that I have found. U2 has a song called "MLK'. The song and video seem to go very well together, enjoy.

Facebook friend can find the video here.

My wife was nice enough to give me several books about MLK for Christmas. Let me recommend these books, they seem to be a good place to start.



1 comment:

osojo said...

Great job my brother. King truly was a prophet for our time. Unfortunately, some of our caucasian "christian" brothers and sisters still do not recognize him as such. I pray God will open their eyes and hearts.
