Has the Gospel been limited by the way we present it? Is there more to the "the good news" then just a mere transaction? Is this life all about the life after or are we missing something? According to Richard Sterns, president of World Vision, there is much more. Richard Sterns sets to challenge and inspire readers in "The Hole In Our Gospel", by sharing his personal story in becoming the president of World Vision, and challenging the readers to join in the work of God in a world in need of a Gospel without a hole.
Richard Stern crafts a personal narrative that proves to be inspiring. As he walks through his personal road as a follower of Christ, you come away feeling that you have met Richard over coffee. His presentation of his story is a highlight in this book. As Richard Sterns is climbing the corporate latter, he finds himself interviewing for a presidential position at Wold Vision. With a spirit of reluctance, Richard Sterns decides to accept the position in World Vision and his life has never been the same.
Sterns also challenges his readers to get involved. As he presents some of the largest "life" issues in the world today, he carefully reminds his readers that there is a hope, and we can be involved in sharing that hope. Sterns shares some success stories to remind us that success is possible. At the same time there needs to be more done. Ultimately, Richard Sterns reminds us to not limit "gospel" to the afterlife. He reminds us that we have a message of hope for the right now. We do have the ability to share the Gospel without a hole in it. The question is are we willing to do this. If we are this book is a good starting point in this important conversation.
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