Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Book Review; Fearless by Max Lucado

As I was reading some of the 'Praises' for Fearless by Max Lucado, I noticed that Donald Miller provided some positive thoughts about Lucado's latest book. I decided that I would give it a try even though I wasn't overly impressed Lucado's work on For The Tough Times.

The nature and tone of this book seems very appropriate in today's culture which is largely driven by fear. I found myself nodding along as I progressed through the book, while at the same time not blown away. Something that Lucado does successfully is that you can't help but feel truly comforted as you embrace the words of Lucado as he speaks about our biggest fears including death, violence, parenting, and enduring just to name a few. Unfortunately, much like other books by Lucado you also are not covering much new ground with this book either. With that being said, I do believe the book succeeds in what it is trying to accomplish. Lucado doesn't offer pat answers and black and white clarity. What he does provide however are appropriate reflections on various passages that truly comforts. Fearless is worth a read with appropriate expectations of what it is and what it is not.

Dan Jones

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