There is something about a memoir that I just love. I think the reason that I love a memoir so much is because of the fact that a memoir brings in a relational aspect to a reading. I feel that through a memoir the reader has the ability to engage with the author in such ways that the reader may finish feeling like they know the writer. With that said, I think there a couple ways you judge a memoir.
1) Does the author show vulnerability? In order to bridge a relationship with the reader, the author must find ways to become appealing and brutally honest.
2) Does the author bring a writing style that is engaging to the reader so that the reader may feel like they just shared an experience with the author. I believe this to be important because I feel that the memoir should be appealing in the way of a relational writing.
I give this background first because I feel that "My beautiful Idol" not only meets this criteria, but it exceeds it. Pete Gall writes with incredible vulnerability, at times the book becomes a confessional. This is not a confessional that makes the reader uncomfortable. It actually builds a bridge to the reader in common ground. I found myself many times thinking that I have always thought about the various topics that he presented, in a way that put words to my thoughts.
Pete Gall also has a very engaging writing style in the way of Donald Miller. A part of the style in which it was engaging is the content itself. I will address some gems here in a little bit. Gall presents the material in ways that really were unpredictable. I am not a big fan of writing in which I can guess the point behind a certain story before it even happens. Gall kept me guessing the whole time. The flow is very fast paced and thought provoking.
Here are a couple of gems I found:
1) The race track illustration for salvation was absolutely phenomenal. If you want a description of what Pete Gall said about this, refer to my previous post "unfinished Bono".
2) The presentation of Gall's various "Idols". I believe that this is a shared experience with many followers of Jesus.
3) The ongoing stories that follow Gall in his occupations and identities were delightful.
4) The struggle that ministers and leaders often have in the ministerial process. There is always a temptation to sell the Christian product so that the buyer feels they purchased good Christian points for God. Gall talks about this process extensively and struggles with it. I relate to this struggle.
After finally picking up this book to read, I could not hardly put it down. If you are a follower of Jesus and you like to listen to life stories and have a "shared experience" with a memoir style writing, I would encourage you to pick this one up.
You can find Zondervan's page for "My Beautiful Idol" here.
1) Does the author show vulnerability? In order to bridge a relationship with the reader, the author must find ways to become appealing and brutally honest.
2) Does the author bring a writing style that is engaging to the reader so that the reader may feel like they just shared an experience with the author. I believe this to be important because I feel that the memoir should be appealing in the way of a relational writing.
I give this background first because I feel that "My beautiful Idol" not only meets this criteria, but it exceeds it. Pete Gall writes with incredible vulnerability, at times the book becomes a confessional. This is not a confessional that makes the reader uncomfortable. It actually builds a bridge to the reader in common ground. I found myself many times thinking that I have always thought about the various topics that he presented, in a way that put words to my thoughts.
Pete Gall also has a very engaging writing style in the way of Donald Miller. A part of the style in which it was engaging is the content itself. I will address some gems here in a little bit. Gall presents the material in ways that really were unpredictable. I am not a big fan of writing in which I can guess the point behind a certain story before it even happens. Gall kept me guessing the whole time. The flow is very fast paced and thought provoking.
Here are a couple of gems I found:
1) The race track illustration for salvation was absolutely phenomenal. If you want a description of what Pete Gall said about this, refer to my previous post "unfinished Bono".
2) The presentation of Gall's various "Idols". I believe that this is a shared experience with many followers of Jesus.
3) The ongoing stories that follow Gall in his occupations and identities were delightful.
4) The struggle that ministers and leaders often have in the ministerial process. There is always a temptation to sell the Christian product so that the buyer feels they purchased good Christian points for God. Gall talks about this process extensively and struggles with it. I relate to this struggle.
After finally picking up this book to read, I could not hardly put it down. If you are a follower of Jesus and you like to listen to life stories and have a "shared experience" with a memoir style writing, I would encourage you to pick this one up.
You can find Zondervan's page for "My Beautiful Idol" here.
Nice post. I appreciate you providing some highlights to look out for without spoiling the experience for me!
Dan, thanks for this great review.
"I think the reason that I love a memoir so much is because of the fact that a memoir brings in a relational aspect to a reading."
I'm a huge memoir fan as well, for the same reason you are; I love feeling that connection to the author.
I'm glad to hear you felt that connection to Pete's writing.
"Gall presents the material in ways that really were unpredictable."
I agree, that's one of my favorite things about Pete's writing. You can't always tell where he's going, but it makes perfect sense when he gets there.
I'll be sure to send you a copy of Pete's next book, Learning My Name, releasing in June.
Thanks again for the great review.
Beth Murphy
Excellent review babe! I actually find myself pretty interested in picking the book up now, and you know how hard that is for me to do!
Good review. Always enjoy reading your input and reviews of books. I'll pick this one up.
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